Welcome to The THRIV Support Community

Supporting people through their burnout journeys using evidence-based resources.

About The THRIV Support Community

Why The THRIV Support Community?

We bring together people struggling with burnout in a support community to explore evidence-based burnout management strategies, so that we can remain employed in careers we love without sacrificing our peace and happiness.

The Results You'll Get

Our community is focused on helping you implement evidence-based practices that will make a huge difference in how you navigate burnout in your life.

Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of The THRIV Support Community:

  • Engage and bond with individuals who understand your struggle towards maintaining your personal peace while balancing a demanding career.
  • Expand your knowledge on evidence-based burnout management strategies, enhancing your personal and professional resilience.
  • Leverage the supportive environment to navigate through challenging moments in your career and maintain your happiness.

When You Join Today

When you join The THRIV Support Community today, you’ll get access to our:

  • Participate in "THRIVing After Burnout" Course: COMING SOON! A video-based course that helps you understand the causes and symptoms of burnout, as well as evidence-based strategies for managing it effectively. The benefit of this activity is gaining knowledge and tools to combat burnout, which could potentially transform your life and career.
  • Join "Burnout Chat Circles": Participate in regular chat sessions with community members to discuss challenges, share tips and provide mutual support. This activity increases your sense of belonging, reduces feelings of isolation that often accompany burnout, and provides an emotional outlet.
  • Quarterly Well-Shops: These are practical, interactive real-time events where burnout experts teach specific, evidence-based techniques for navigating burnout. Attending can equip you with various burnout-busting strategies, allowing you to select the one that fits in best with your lifestyle.